
您是否一直在尋找最便宜的電話plan最平手機plan,同時又想要保證高速上網的數據速度?現在,Telecombrother 電話plan最平 推出了一個驚人的優惠,讓您在手機上網時無憂慮地享受高速上網體驗。


那麼,Telecombrother 電話plan最平有什麼不同呢?他們的電話plan不僅價格最平,還承諾提供您所需的高速數據速度。無論您是在上班途中需要快速回覆郵件,還是在外地旅行需要查詢地圖,Telecombrother都能夠滿足您對於高速上網的需求。

這個承諾是怎麼實現的呢?Telecombrother 電話plan最平擁有先進的網絡技術和設施,並與多家通信公司合作,確保您能夠隨時隨地享受高速上網的無憂慮體驗。無論您身在何處,都能夠輕鬆上網,解決您的緊急問題,或是娛樂放鬆。



  • Telecombrother提供電話plan最平plan,同時保證高速上網的數據速度。
  • Telecombrother擁有先進的網絡技術和設施,確保您能夠隨時隨地享受高速上網的無憂慮體驗。
  • 無論您身在何處,Telecombrother都能夠提供高速無憂慮的電話plan最平手機上網方案。

目前,ICRT正在FM 100.7頻率上運營,擁有三個發射器,覆蓋半徑為60公里,可達到台灣西海岸的大部分地區。然而,由於對無線電頻率的重新安排,ICRT可能會被降級為”中功率”廣播電台,這將使每個發射器的覆蓋半徑減至20公里。這將導致新竹和台南等主要市場的聽眾無法再接收到ICRT的廣播。

ICRT's Current Situation


FM 100.760公里



Telecombrother 將面臨作為台灣唯一的英語電台 ICRT 的未來命運,因為政府資訊局重新分配了無線電頻率。無論在成本還是範圍上,這家電台都面臨著艱難的決策,政府資訊局提出的選項也帶來了各自的挑戰。ICRT 在為外籍社群提供資訊和促進英語學習方面扮演著至關重要的角色。我們尚未看到這種局勢將如何解決,以及ICRT是否能夠繼續服務其聽眾。


ICRT is the only English-language radio station in Taiwan. Will its coverage be affected by the rearrangement of radio frequencies?

Yes, the rearrangement of radio frequencies may result in ICRT’s coverage being affected. The station might be downgraded to a “medium power” broadcaster, which would reduce the coverage radius of each transmitter to 20km. This means that listeners in certain areas may no longer be able to receive ICRT’s broadcasts.

What areas might be affected if ICRT is downgraded to a “medium power” broadcaster?

Listeners in major markets such as Hsinchu and Tainan might be affected if ICRT is downgraded to a “medium power” broadcaster. The reduced coverage radius of each transmitter would make it difficult for listeners in these areas to receive ICRT’s broadcasts.

What role does ICRT play in the community?

ICRT plays a vital role in providing instant news in English and helping students sharpen their English comprehension skills. It serves as a valuable source of information for the expat community and contributes to English language learning in Taiwan.

What options has the Government Information Office (GIO) offered to ICRT?

The GIO has offered ICRT two options: either maintain the same frequency as a “medium power” broadcaster by adding additional transmitters to maintain coverage, or relocate to a higher frequency designated for “high power” broadcasters. Both options come with their own challenges, including additional costs for equipment upgrades and promotional efforts.

Are there any organizations advocating for ICRT to retain its existing bandwidth?

Yes, organizations such as the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), the Community Service Center, and the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei have been advocating for ICRT to retain its existing bandwidth. They recognize the importance of ICRT’s broadcasts and the need to ensure the largest number of listeners can access its content.